new year update!

Posted: January 4, 2011 in '69, interior

Righty-ho. So its been a while since i last updated, partly due to xmas/new year and sadly the death of my gran on xmas eve 😦

But life goes on and the beetle was crying out for a bit of attention! 😛

So what have i done so far….?

  • Stripped the interior – seats + carpets
  • Dried out the floor pans, scrubbed them up and painted most of them with some rust eater and zinc primer (pics to follow soon!)
  • Put in the new window seals, (but these still need to be bonded in as soon as the weather allows?!) so hopefully no more water will get in for the time being, so pretty soon i can dry the rest out and paint it!
  • I also took out the doorcards so i could clean out the door drainage points as they were periodically filling up with water and found some very old Beatles style sunglasses, and a used tube of Halloween vampire blood!

The doorcards were covered in some pretty grubby vw curtain material:

which i managed to carefully peel off (the above pic is actually after it’d been through the washing machine!!)

Still pretty grubby. To my surprise, after peeling away all the dodgy tape and foam i found the original (albeit very dirty) doorcards!! After scrubbing them for 45mins with diluted bleach they’re begining to look a bit more respectable – that 40odd year old filth is pretty tough stuff!!

Still not finished yet, but getting there (before and after)

So thats where i am today, but there should be another update pretty soon as mum’s beginning to get annoyed about her living room hosting the interior of a beetle!!!

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